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University of Bayreuth African Studies Online (UoBASO)

University of Bayreuth African Studies Online

University of Bayreuth African Studies Online presents results of research relating to Africa at the University of Bayreuth. It includes articles, edited collections, and monographs. There are no fixed requirements for the language of publication and the length of contributions. Submitted manuscripts are subject to external double-blind peer review, except for successfully defended PhD-thesis submitted at the University of Bayreuth.

The series provides a platform for open access publications and connects to common search engines in the internet. It is registered with an ISSN (2628-1791) in the online catalogue of the university library. Contributions may be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief Dr. Serawit Debele (Serawit.Debele@uni-bayreuth.de; FZA, 1.20).

The Bayreuth African Studies Online feature on the EPub document server at the university library (until 2018):

The University of Bayreuth African Studies Online feature on the EPub document server at the university library (from 2019):

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