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Institute of African Studies

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Engagement in Bayreuth

Ongoing Campaigns

Workshops in cooperation with the City of Bayreuth - Variety & Diversity 

All people living in Bayreuth have a right to live together peacefully and tolerantly on the basis of existing human and civil rights. Since 2023, the City of Bayreuth and the University of Bayreuth have been cooperating under the coordination of the IAS to jointly create such a space for respect, mindfulness, and openness. To this end, they offer regular workshops on the topics of diversity. The workshops are aimed at employees of the city and university administration and are part of the efforts to promote an open-minded attitude and a competent approach to diversity in the long term.

Previous workshops

  • March 2025: Vielfalt als Herausforderung am Arbeitsplatz
  • ​November 2023: Schee dass du do bist - Wir leben Diversität! 

Members of the IAS are involved in events at schools and in other educational policy contexts

The deputy spokesperson of the IAS, Prof. Dr. Stefan Ouma, for example, has repeatedly offered a workshop on racism for pupils and teachers at Graf-Münster Gymnasium 2024. This followed a successful first event at Richard-Wagner-Gymnasium 2022. If you are interested in these formats or would like to get in touch with other IAS members on a different topic, please contact us at ias@uni-bayreuth.de.

Previous Campaigns 

Afrika Days UBT Gruppenfoto

Bayreuth "Africa Days"

26 - 27 September 2024 

Ambassadors from 16 African countries visit the University of Bayreuth

As part of the first Bayreuth Africa Days on 26 and 27 September 2024, ambassadors from important African countries visited the city of Bayreuth and the University.

The University of Bayreuth has had a research focus on Africa since its foundation and works closely with partners on the neighbouring continent, not only in the Cluster of Excellence ‘Africa Multiple’. Representatives of the University of Bayreuth presented this work to the ambassadors and business partners from Algeria, Angola, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Cape Verde, Kenya, Liberia, Morocco, Namibia, Niger, Senegal, Togo, Chad, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe on Friday, 27 September 2024. ...more

"Die Herausforderung der Integration und Vielfalt - Afrikanische Präsenz in Oberfranken seit der Frühen Neuzeit und ihre aktuelle Resonanz"

20 September 2024

As part of the "Interkulturelle Woche meets Lange Nacht der Demokratie 2024!" Dr. Ibrahima Sene discussed the post-colonial culture of remembrance in Germany and the need to make marginalised voices and perspectives visible.

  • Speaker: Dr Ibrahima Sene, research associate at the Chair of African History, University of Bayreuth
  • Co-organiser: Historical Association for Upper Franconia; Chair of African History at the University of Bayreuth; Institute for Franconian Regional History
  • ...more

Flyer Workshop Afrika im Bayreuther Alltag

Public workshop "Afrika im Bayreuther Alltag: Geschichte und Erinnerungskultur" 
27 - 28 June 2024

The workshop dealt with the multifaceted history of today's Upper Franconia region and its interdependencies with other cultural spaces and looked at the current research discourse. The workshop intensively discussed transcultural and post-migrant communities as well as their influences and effects on the culture of remembrance in Germany with regard to the colonial past. ...more

Webmaster: IAS-Coordinator

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