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Exhibition Opening "With these hands" by Sabelo Mcinziba

Tuesday, 25.02.2025 | 4pm

Poster "With these Hands" by Sabelo Mcinziba

You are invited to (With) These Hands, a photo-essay exhibition curated by Sabelo Mcinziba. The photographed hands tell life stories of everyday practices by people from different walks of life. With history often considered as what happens to a people and often at a national or international scale, the focus at a local scale by everyday people’s hands shifts agency through affirmation of particularities which in turn enrich our sense of true universalism. This exhibition is documented from South Africa and Germany with endless potential across the world focusing on intimate histories of hands in their domestic and professional occupations and often blurring the borders of each.

The exhibition portrays the hands of construction workers, musicians, school teachers, gardeners, security guards, cooks, etc. which are also the hands of grandparents, parents, aunties and uncles, siblings, etc. so the dynamism of people is not reducible to a single role by their hands and this makes complex our experiences of life.

  • Exhibition opening: 25 February 2025, 4 pm
  • Exhibition: 25.02.2025–06.03.2025
  • Venue: Iwalewahaus, Wölfelstraße | Open Tuesday–Thursday: noon–4 pm
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