Dr. Mounirou Diallo
Visited the IAS from April to June 2023

Dr. Mounirou Diallo holds a doctorate in philosophy and is a lecturer and researcher in the philosophy department of the Faculty of Letters and Humanities at Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar. His research focuses on aesthetic anthropology and transcultural aesthetics. He is particularly interested in the category of the ‘'philosopher-artist’', his main concern being to articulate the notion of the ‘'total image’' in the visual arts, and literature in particular, with the modern techniques involved in artistic creation. He is the author of Le concept et le roman. Philosopher avec la littérature en Afrique noire, published by Hermann, 2017. During his one-month research stay, he worked on a scientific article to be published, entitled "Guelwaar by Sembène Ousmane: from film to novel". The aim of the analysis was to see how the artist Sembène Ousmane manages to turn his own film (Guelwaar, 1996) into a novel that respects the framework of the film.