Prof. Joseph Awetori Yaro
Visited the IAS in Octobre 2023

Prof. Joseph Awetori Yaro is a professor of Human Geography at the University of Ghana. He combines a rich background in development studies and rural geography. He is currently the Principal of the University of Ghana Accra City and the West Africa Regional Hub Coordinator for the Futures Agricultural Consortium. His specific research interests are in: Sustainable development in rural areas; Migration; Livelihoods and Food security; Climate change adaptation; land tenure and transnational land deals/grabs. During his research stay at the IAS, he attended an international conference ‘Reconfiguring African Studies through Spatialities’ organised by the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence; gave a talk on the topic ‘modernising African agriculture: agrarian accumulation and the dispossession of the peasantry’; and engaged in meetings with German colleagues working in the area of development studies aimed at collaborative research and student exchange programs.