Dr. Kayode Michael Samuel
Visited the IAS from October to November 2024

I am Kayode Samuel, Professor of Musicology at the Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
During my stay at University of Bayreuth, Germany, I was able to advance conversations towards the strengthening the implementation of an existing memorandum of understanding between the University of Ibadan and the University of Bayreuth.
I made a presentation on one of my ongoing research works, entitled Performing Therapy: Music in the Context of Condolence Practices among the Yoruba of Southwestern Nigeria at a well-organized colloquium organised by the Department of African Verbal and Visual Arts. In addition to participating in the academic life at University of Bayreuth, I also facilitated a class workshop on conducting research in ethnography where I shared my experience as an ethnomusicologist. I also participated in a two-day academic discussion on the theme: Sounding African Music Heritage, held at Iwalewahaus, Bayreuth.
As part of my research, I was also able to explore a collection of creative and academic works in the field of African musicology, especially music compositions of Professor Akin Euba at the sound archive and library located at Iwalewahaus during my visit.
My stay at Bayreuth between October and November, 2024 was truly rewarding in terms of collaborative discussions, knowledge production, sharing opportunities and strengthening the existing partnership between the University of Bayreuth and University of Ibadan.