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Research Centre for Society, Technology, and Ecology in Africa - Challenges of the 21st Century (FZA)


1) What is the Research Centre for Society, Technology, and Ecology in Africa (FZA)?Hide

The Research Centre for Africa (FZA) is a new facility dedicated to Africa-related research at the University of Bayreuth and its partner institutions. The Research Centre is a unit of the Institute of African Studies (IAS). It will unite the different Africa-related research structures that were previously spread across the city, and host researchers connected to Bayreuth African Studies. The MediaLab in the building links Media Studies with African Studies and will be core to the digital strategy of the IAS.

2) Who will be hosted in the new FZA building?Hide

The building will accommodate scholars working on the Research Centre’s research agenda, Junior Fellows of the Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies (BIGSAS), other early career scholars, Fellows of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence, and guests of the IAS. It will also house the IAS staff, including the administrative teams of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence, BIGSAS, EIMAS, and the AfriZert certificate programme, and possible new initiatives.  

3) What facilities will the FZA building include?Hide

The FZA has a usable space of 4,600 square meters, more than a hundred people will find workspaces in the new building.
The building will include conventional offices for administrative staff and scholars; Open Creative Labs (OCLs) with workspace for scholars; state-of-the-art meeting and seminar rooms: a “silentium” room; a conference room with interpreter booths; an exhibition room for the Iwalewahaus and a MediaLab with a sound studio and digitalization facilities.

  • The conventional offices are occupied by the staff of IAS, BIGSAS and the Cluster.
    For scholars working on the agenda of the FZA, BIGSAS Junior Fellows, Cluster fellows and guests of the IAS it will be possible to book individual office desks for a limited time. We will inform you as soon as the booking system is installed. UBT professors will not receive an office in the building.
  • The Open Creative Labs (OCLs) are open spaces furnished with desks, seating areas, group workstations adapted to the needs of users. The spatial structure provides both private retreat areas and open, communicative spaces for academic work which facilitates different modes of working and enhances communication across disciplines and status groups.  
  • The conference facilities and seminar- and meeting-rooms are used for academic events, work meetings, discussion hours. While FZA users have priority right of use allocation is subject to the university’s central booking system.
  • The MediaLab supports the work of the IAS in research projects of all kinds, in the management of research data and in the digitalization of archival materials (including parts of the Iwalewahaus collection). It also provides media technologies that are required for the implementation of research projects and the presentation of their results. The MediaLab can be used by scholars according to its own utilisation and booking plan.
  • The building includes exhibition facilities for the Iwalewahaus, extending its space for people to meet and engage with contemporary African art in its global context. However, Iwalewahaus will remain at its prominent location in the city center. 
​4) How does the FZA contribute to the reconfiguration of African Studies?Hide

The FZA aims to enhance inclusive cooperation and exchange, linking Media Studies with African Studies, fostering digital strategies, and extending the presence of Iwalewahaus on campus. It focuses on research related to contemporary dynamics in society, technology, and ecology in and from Africa, thus studying not only African and Afro-diasporic life-worlds but also emphasizing how these shape and have shaped the world as we know it today. 

​5) Technical informationHide
  • The FZA is built on an area of 2400 m² between the buildings RW and GW II. The total useable area is 4600 m². The vertical metal struts of the façade echo the colours of the IAS logo. The building features a green roof and a photovoltaic system.
  • The construction is funded by a joint initiative of the Federal Government of Germany and the Bavarian State Government. The project costs amount to 31 million Euros.
  • The MediaLab technical equipment is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
  • The State Building Authority of Bayreuth is responsible for construction supervision and project management. The W. Markgraf GmbH & Co KG was selected as the general contractor following a tendering process.
  • Usage guidelines have been adopted to regulate the access to and the use of the building and its facilities. All other issues such as facilities’ planning and occupancy are subject to the booking system to be developed by IAS, BIGSAS and Cluster. 
​6) TimelineHide
  • Construction started at the end of 2022.
  • The foundation stone was laid on 24 March 2023 by the Bavarian Minister of Science and the Arts, Markus Blume in presence of University’s leadership and the IAS.
  • The IAS and its units are expected to move into the new building in January 2025.
  • The opening ceremony is planned for May 2025.

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